Newroz fire lit in Curnê Reş: We will grow democratic politics 2025-03-14 15:48:01   RIHA - Speaking at the Newroz in Curnê Reş district of Riha, which has an important place in the Kurdish freedom struggle, DEM Party member Ömer Öcalan said, "We will grow our democratic politics everywhere."   Newroz celebration was held in Curnê Reş (Hilvan) district of Riha (Urfa), which has an important place in the Kurdhis freedom struggle, with the slogans "Rêbertiya Azad Civaka Demokratîk" and "Democratic Society Newroz for Freedom". Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party Riha MP Ömer Öcalan, Curnê Reş Municipality Co-Mayors Serhan Paydaş and Garip Yeşil, Peace Mothers' Assembly members and thousands of people attended the celebration. Two women who wanted to participate in the celebration with a banner with yellow, green and red colours wanted to be detained. Upon the reaction to the situation, the police officers released the women without detaining them after recording a report. The pennants were confiscated for carrying yellow, red and green colours.     Hours before the celebration, the women who came to the area in their national costumes danced accompanied by Kurdish songs. The celebration, during which slogans "Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)" were frequently chanted, started with a minute of silence. After the minute of silence, slogans such as "Şehîd namirin (Martyrs are immortal)" and "Salaam to İmralı" were chanted.    Reminding that the Kurdish freedom movement sprouted in Curnê Reş, Ömer Öcalan said, "Now is the time for democratic politics. We will march to claim Mr Öcalan's message. Leader Öcalan is opening the door of life for everyone. The government must realise the value of this. We, as Kurds, know the value of this. We will all play our role in the new process. We will establish a democratic system in the Middle East and Kurdistan. Kurds have the energy for this. Everyone must protect their will and identity. We have a long road ahead of us, our burden is heavy. We need to share this burden. We will grow our organisation everywhere. We will grow our democratic politics everywhere. Today is Newroz, the holiday of the Kurdish people. Kurds now define themselves with Newroz. We will celebrate Newroz with our own colours. Happy Newroz to Xelîl Çavgûn, Salih Kandal and Cuma Tak."   After the speeched, the Newroz fire was lit by women. The celebration ended with Kurdish songs performed by the artist Kasım Taşdoğan.