Message from lawyers on death fast


İSTANBUL - Attorney Didem Baydar Ünsal shared that the attorneys Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal are calling on for a joint struggle for their demand for a fair trial.

The death fast People's Law Office (HHB) attorneys Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal started in prison, continues. Timtik is on the 172nd day of the death fast while Ünsal is the 141st day. Didem Baydar Ünsal who last saw the lawyers 20 days ago in a closed visit, said both had difficulty in speaking and detoriorating.
Attoney Didem Baydar Ünsal, also the wife of Aytaç Ünsal, stated that her husband had increased saliva and there is ulcer in his mouth. Ünsal stated that her husband's health condition seemed good, but there were visible changes in his body due to the inability to get nutritious food for a long time. Ünsal stated that Ünsal 18 kilos in 4 months and now he is 61 kilos. Ünsal stated that her husband is doing better than Timtik because he was into sports and very healthy before the death fast. Ünsal also stated that her husband's being healthy does not mean he is not in risk.
Stating that Timtik came to the visitation room with a mask on her face, said: "When she pulled the mask down, I saw  how thin she were. She was speaking very slowly and moving slowly too. She had ulcer in her lips. She told me they weighed her a week ago and she was 43.
Noting death people on death fast live on water, sugar and salt, Ünsal stating that the salt given to the lawyers in prison is not real therefore it does not heal the wounds in their mouths. Ünsal said: "Prison administration is also giving us hardship about the sugar too. We offered to pay for some rock salt. The prison administration does not meet their demands about sugar salt and neck rest."
Ünsal conveyed the call of the lawyers on death fast and said: "They should never get used to the unlawfulness and remain silent. There is still a lot to do and they should never give up. We should shoulder the struggle for justice together."

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