Police raid on DTK: Scores of people detained


DİYARBAKIR - Many houses and DTK building were raid in Diyarbakır. Scores of people were detained as a result of the operation.

Police raided the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) building in Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır, J&J Publishing House and many houses.  In the raids, members of the DTK Presidential Council, Jiyan Taş and Hüseyin Kaya, Rojda Barış, one of the executives of the Rosa Women's Association, Silvan Municipality Co-mayor Naşide Toprak, MEBYA-DER manager Yıldız Damla, DBP PM member Leyla Bağatır, from the Bureau Laborers Union (BES) and scores of people were taken into custody. 
It was stated that the police raided the DTK building in Kayapınar district at 4 am, seizing DTK name board and many books. The police continue their search in the building.
While there is no information about the reason for detention, the search continues at the DTK and J&J publishing house.

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