A bill submitted for the 'Madımak Shame Museum'


ANKARA - Green Left Party MP Celal Fırat submitted a law proposal to the Parliament to transform the Madımak Hotel into a "Museum of Shame".

Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Istanbul MP Celal Fırat submitted a law proposal to the Presidency of the Assembly on 2 July 1993 to transform the Madımak Hotel, where 33 writers, intellectuals and artists were burned to death, into a "Museum of Shame". In the bill, which states that the massacre is still being discussed in Turkey, it is stated that “Sivas Massacre is an event that is still mentioned in different parts of Turkey and that discussions continue. This tragic event has remained a reality, emphasizing the importance of ethnic and religious diversity in Turkey and the challenges faced by society. It is also seen as a turning point for raising greater awareness of freedom of expression, tolerance and respect for different beliefs.


The bill, which drew attention to the trial held after the massacre, included the following: “The length of the trials, their lack, partiality, the release of the sentenced defendants with the President's special pardon, the non-extradition of the fugitive suspects abroad, the fact that the Madımak Hotel, where the massacre took place, was not turned into a museum. Not only will it not serve social peace, but not taking any steps that will cool the hearts of families experiencing victimization means ignoring the legal agreements that hold societies together. The Madımak Hotel, whose name was changed to Sivas Science and Culture Center, should be changed to the 'Museum of Shame'. In order to keep the memories of those who lost their lives in the massacre alive and not forget what happened that day, this demand must be fulfilled, massacres against Alevis and other opposition groups in general must not be experienced again, and an attitude must be shown against the ongoing threats. The fact that the Madımak Hotel was named 'Madımak Museum of Shame' within the framework of the current laws and regulations regarding museums is important in terms of establishing confidence that Alevis will have equal citizenship rights and emphasizing that it is a requirement of democratic rights.

In the proposal, it was underlined that the demand was also the request of the families of those who lost their lives in the massacre and the Alevi organizations.

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