KNK: This war is aimed at all of Kurdistan

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  • 11:36 19 September 2023
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NEWS CENTER - KNK made a statement regarding the attack on its representatives in Hewlêr: "This war is not only against a Kurdish movement, but against all Kurds and the whole of Kurdistan. Let's strengthen the national line against the attacks."
Stating cooperation with the occupier means treason; This is a red line and no Kurdish or Kurdish force should cross this line, KNK said: " We will not step back and stand against the attacks and further deepen the line of national unity."
The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Executive Council made a written statement regarding the shooting of Deniz Cevdet Bülbün's offices in Hewlêr, where he was murdered. Drawing attention that the attack was a strategic decision and a message, the statement said: "Not just an office, not just an employee, not just a KNK member was targeted with this attack. The national unity of the people of Kurdistan was aimed in this attack with these attacks. They showed how helpless and afraid our enemies are in the face of our unity. Every Kurd should see this fact and act accordingly."
In the statement emphasizing "We know the attackers", it drew attention that the attack on their representations was a continuation of the attack in Northern and Eastern Syria, Shengal, Maxmur, Zap, Metîna, Avaşîn and Silêmaniyê. In the statement, which stated that the KNK representative office is in the center of Hewlêr, is monitored 24 hours a day by the regional security and intelligence, and that there are dozens of cameras around it, the following questions were included: "If the attackers are not protected, how dare the murderers enter the KNK office in the middle of the day, waving their arms, and murder people? "How can MİT move freely in the region, organize spies and massacre patriots? Who allows these?"
In the statement, it was warned that the government and the Hewlêr public order would be responsible for the massacre if the murderer was not caught as soon as possible and the instigators were not revealed and tried, and drew attention the attacks on Zap, Avaşîn and Metina and Erbet Airport. The statement said: "This war is not only against a Kurdish movement, but against all Kurds and the whole of Kurdistan. The Turkish state is not only attacking itself, but also forming alliances against our people and mobilizing other invaders. All Kurds and Kurdistan forces need to see this truth. Cooperation with the Turkish state, cooperation with enemies and occupiers means treason; it is a red line and no Kurdish or Kurdistan force should cross this line."
In the statement, it was emphasized that the attack on the KNK office targeted the national unity of the Kurds and said: "Let's strengthen the national line against this attack and attacks in general, let's be united as all Kurdistani forces. On this occasion, as KNK, our call to all parties and organizations is; let's not remain silent against these attacks, let's protest and fight against the invaders. Let's be one voice against the attacks. As KNK, we will not step back against the attacks, we will protect our martyrs, we will stand against the attacks and we will further deepen the line of national unity."

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