Call to international organizations in 'Speak up for freedom' protest

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  • 15:04 23 September 2024
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WAN - International institutions were demanded to fulfill their duties and responsibilities regarding Abdullah Öcalan during the “Speak up for freedom” demonstration organized in Wan. 
The “Speak up for freedom” action organized by prisoners' relatives and civil society organizations as part of the campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, democratic solution to the Kurdish issue” continued in Wan.
Relatives of prisoners and members of the Association of Prisoners and Convicted Families and Solidarity Association Wan Branch (TUHAY-DER) made a statement in front of Van Prison Campus. 
Emin Şeker, Executive Director of TUHAY-DER, stated that prisoners are prevented from being released due to arbitrary decisions of Administrative and Observation Boards. Pointing out that as a result of these policies of the AKP, deaths occur in prisons, Şeker said: “Every year dozens of prisoners and convicts die in prison conditions. The AKP-MHP government is responsible for these deaths in Turkish prisons where prisoners and detainees die every week. Each of these is a political murder. We call on the government to withdraw from this partnership in murder, to obey the law and to apply the law.” 
Pointing out that the isolation started from İmralı and spread to all areas, “The AKP-MHP government insists on not implementing the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. The Court ruled that the applicant's life sentence without the possibility of conditional release violates Article 3 of the Convention and the 'right to hope'. Many national and international institutions and organizations, especially the Ministry of Justice, are responsible for this ongoing system of isolation and torture. We call on international organizations, especially the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the CPT, all bar associations, human rights organizations and democratic public opinion to fulfill their duties in the face of this arbitrariness, lawlessness and isolation policies that continue in Turkish prisons” Şeker said. 
DEM Party Wan MP Mahmut Dindar said that policies of denial and extermination are being implemented against Kurds and demanded Turkey to turn back from this chain of unlawfulness. 
The statement ended with the slogans “Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)” and “Political prisoners are our honor”.

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