Newroz in Mazlum Dogan's hometown: Öcalan's freedom must be ensured

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  • 15:11 14 March 2025
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XARPÊT - Speaking at the Newroz celebration in Mazlum Doğan's hometown, Gültan Kışanak said, "The critical threshold is to create opportunities for Mr. Öcalan to be included in this process under free conditions." 
Newroz was celebrated in Dep (Karakoçan) district of Xarpêt (Elazığ), the hometown of Mazlum Doğan, one of the founding figures of the PKK who set his body on fire on March 21, 1982 against the oppression and inhumane practices in Diyarbakır Prison No. 5. Politician Gültan Kışanak, Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party MPs and district co-mayors attended the celebration. Many people participated in the celebration wearing local clothes. While dancing for a long time, chants of “Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)” and “Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of the dungeons)” were frequently shouted from the area. 
During the celebration, those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy and freedom were commemorated with a moment of silence, while Peace Mother Sakine Arat, who died yesterday, was also commemorated. 
Mazlum Doğan's sister Arife Yıldırım said, "May our struggle lead to peace." Arife Yıldırım condemned the attacks against Alevis in Syria. 
Koma Vejîn then took the stage. Then DEM Party MPs, Kurdish politician Gültan Kışanak and party representatives lit the Newroz fire with the slogans “Bijî Newroz (Long live Newroz)”.
DEM Party Çewlîg (Bingöl) MP Ömer Faruk Hülakü stated that a new era has entered, guided by the resilience of the Kurdish people. Hülakü said, “With the historic call of Mr. Öcalan on February 27th, we will light the first fire for democracy in this Newroz. It is the call for the free and coexistence of peoples. I congratulate Mr. Öcalan for making this Newroz meaningful.”  
Gültan Kışanak said, "We dreamed of a better tomorrow, of a more democratic future, of a free life with our identity, culture, historu and language. We are very close to realizing that dream."
Gültan Kışanak's speech was interrupted by the slogan “Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)”. 
Gültan Kışanak stressed that history will be written by those who resist and noted that we are going through an important process. Gültan Kışanak reminded AKP Chair and President Erdogan words, "A critical threshold has been crossed, God willing, we will calmly complete this work until the end. Parliament has a duty in this matter. Everyone should contribute to this process” and said, "It is true, the critical threshold has been crossed. Mr. Öcalan made his call with great courage and took responsibility despite the isolation imposed in İmralı. Now it is time for us as a people to share this responsibility and take this burden on our shoulders. There are many more critical thresholds to overcome. Mr. Öcalan took this responsibility and made this historic call. The most important critical threshold now is to create the means for Mr. Öcalan to participate in this process under free conditions."
Gültan Kışanak added, "Mr Erdogan needs to take responsibility for crossing this threshold. If we are to move towards a Kurdish-Turkish alliance, towards historical peace, this is the period to take responsibility with courage. Thousands of our people are suffering and longing. Therefore, the second critical threshold is to make a legal arrangement that will pave the way for full participation in democratic politics. If this legal arrangement is made, democratic politics will take this responsibility with great courage. The doors of prisons will open and our comrades will be here with us. This is not a process we can watch. It is a process in which we will courageously take responsibility. Mazlum Doğan put his life on the line with great courage to stop the brutality in the Amed (Diyarbakır) dungeon on September 12. Today, we will not watch or wait, but we will take responsibility, we will work harder, we will organize, we wll stich together more and we will succeed."
The Newroz celebration ended with songs performed by artist Ciwan Adar.

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