Slavoj Zİzek: Democracy will come to Turkey if the isolation is terminated

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  • 13:15 28 March 2019
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NEWS DESK- World-renowned intellectuals and writer Slavoj Zizek who made statements about Leyla Güven and the ongoing hunger strikes,made a call to Turkey and demanded the isolation on Öcalan to be terminated.Zizek expressing support for Güven, said: "The termination of solitary confinement on Mr. Öcalan will bring democracy to Turkey,"
 World-renowned intellectuals and writer Slavoj Zizek made a call to Turkey regarding the termination of the isolation and the hunger strikes initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven.
Marksist thinker Slavoj Zizek who spoke to Derviş Çimen from New Free Politics, said: "The regime can only be described as cruel and oppressive. In Turkey there is no alternative than to establish a dialogue with the Kurds for those whom want peace, equality and freedom in Turkey. Slavoj Zizek who stated that there is no way of talking about the existance of Democracy in Turkey, said: "Preventing such a dialogue has no other effect than destruction and more pain. For this reason, I support the demands of Leyla Güven who is on hunger strike and the thousands of people around the world who want to end the isolation and free Abdullah Öcalan. The termination of solitary confinement on Mr.Öcalan and the start of a new peace dialogue as a whole will bring democracy to Turkey."
Internationally recognized linguist, pedagogue and researcher-writer Tove Skutnabb Kangas emphasized that Öcalan  has mission to offer a solution to the political problems, and said,"So far I have read three books of Abdullah Öcalan translated into English. He is the most important figure of the solution, Turkey's Nelson Mandela. Abdullah Öcalan is still kept in absolute isolation. Termination of isolation in prisons is demanded in Turkey with a large-scale hunger strike.My heart is with these brave people. What's the rest of the world doing? Nothing! nothing more than to sell weapons to Turkish army. I appeal to Turkey, be sensible and release that person who has solutions."

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