Attorneys applied again to visit İmralı

  • actual
  • 11:04 26 November 2019
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İSTANBUL -  Attorneys of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to meet with his clients.

Lawyers of Abdullah Öcalan who is being held in İmralı High Security F-Type Prison; Raziye Turgut, Rezan Sarıca, Serbay Köklü and İbrahim Bilmez applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to visit their client.
Öcalan's lawyers Rezan Sarıca and Newroz Uysal had a meeting with Öcalan for the first time after 8 years on 2 May, 22 May and 12 June.
All applications filed by lawyers to meet with their clients since 7 August were not responded neither positive nor negative.

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