Press cards of 685 journalists cancelled

  • actual
  • 10:10 30 November 2019
  • |

ANKARA - Vice President Fuat Oktay announced that the press cards of 685 journalists were cancelled on grounds that they have 'relation or connection with the structures that threaten national security."

Vice President Fuat Oktay answered questions about the cancellation of press cards at the Parliamentary Plan and Budget Commission when the Presidency's budget for 2020 was being discussed.
Oktay stated that there was a need to update the press cards after the establishment of the Presidency of Communication following the closing of the Directorate General of Press, Publication and Information; explained the purpose of the change as "preventing the use of illegal and counterfeit cards, increasing the prestige of the press card and facilitating the work of the press members."
Stating that 343 yellow press cards were issued in 2019, Oktay said that the press cards of 685 press members was canceled after the 15 July military coup attempt on the grounds of  relation or connection with the structures that threaten national security."

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