Mızraklı's 200 days in prison: I never feel regret


DİYARBAKIR - Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı, who has been dismissed and a trustee was appointed for his place has been in prison for 200 days. In his lettere sent a letter for the public for the 200th day in prison, the elected Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır people wrote: "If they ask me do you have any regret due to being imprisoned, I would say: 'Never'."

Diyarbakır Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı wrote a letter for the 200th day in prison. In his letter titled as "May your cruelty escalate, so that your decadance arrives faster" and "200 days which could not be silenced" elected Co-Mayor of the people wrote:

"Yes, I am imprisoned for 200 days because of the fact that just because the own pleasure of those, who chews the religious discourse in the mouth and declare themselves to be just, but apply the enemy law. If they ask me do you have any regret due to being imprisoned, I would say: NEVER.

Because, as the ones, who are the seekers of justice in this country rising the strugle of equality and justice, we always knew that there are big dues to pay for that. We have struggled for the justice together with the people. This society have sacrifized a great deal for this sake. That is why we are used to pay our dues of such kind.

The laws were born together with the dawn of the civilizations based on the city states and the principles of those laws have changed till our time, but the core of our contemporary law goes back to Roman law, which recognized the principle of equality and presumption of innocences at its basics. Even in those ancient times, the responbility of proof was given to the prosecution, but today what happens is vice versa. The slanders, which were fabricated on desk, become the grounds for accusations and they want us to proove ourselves not guilty in such trials. On the other hand, it was always the ones who presses charges to show their proofs regarding the charges they raise. The opposite understanding applied in Turkish justice system right now has reached to such a level that it is equivalent to the understanding back in September 12 fascist Coup d'Etat.

So we are in prison for 200 days. We may be imprisoned for another 200 days. In our lands, thousands of people are imprisoned just because they are the opposition and they do not obey, but non of the people give compromises. That is why we have never felt regret. So are we ever going to be. It is our binding duty to pay this price and we are ready to pay these prices from now on. We shout out from the prisons that we are not afraid and we will never obey. We are, those who never pay homage to the power, ending this letter my quoting a widely known Anatolian idiom: May your cruelty escalate, so that your decadance arrives faster."

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