4 ESP members arrests in Izmir

  • actual
  • 20:53 22 March 2024
  • |

IZMIR - 3 ESP and 1 OGK members, who were detained in Izmir on the morning of March 19, were arrested on the grounds of "membership in a terrorist organization" due to the press statements and election campaigns they attended.

Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Vice-chair Ebru Yiğit, ESP members Birkan Polat and Hıdır Ali Kılıç, and Free Young Women's (OGK) Central Coordination member Sinem Celebi, who were detained on the morning of March 19 in operations carried out in 3 cities within the scope of an Izmir-based investigation, were arrested today after their procedures at the police station and they were referred to Izmir Courthouse. During the police interrogation, the 4 people who were asked about the March 8 and other press statements they participated in were also accused of the election activities they participated in during the general and local election processes. The file also asked about confidential witness statements.

4 people, whom the prosecutor sent to the court with a request for arrest without even taking their statements, were arrested by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace on the allegation of "membership in a terrorist organization".