Call for unity from Şirnex people against possible attacks

  • actual
  • 10:28 23 March 2024
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ŞIRNEX - Citizens living in Şirnex emphasized that all Kurds must act together against possible new attacks by Turkey.
Turkey accelerated the meeting traffic in Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Region. Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan, Minister of Defense Yaşar Güler and National Security Organization (MIT) President Ibrahim Kalın have held many meetings in recent months. Statements about the meetings point to a new cross-border attack. Citizens of Şirnex (Sırnak), on the border line, are reacting against a possible new attack.
Reacting to Turkey's attacks, Elif Ustek said: "What is the Turkish state doing in Bashur? Leave the Kurds alone. The Kurds must raise their voice against these attacks. Barzani has also become a friend of the Turkish state. The Kurds must stop betraying themselves. Join hands now. It is time for victory and success."
One of the citizens, Besdar Kulter, reacted to the relations of the Barzani family under the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistanê-KDP) administration with Turkey. Kulter said: "AKP-MHP partnership is actually a partnership of genocide against the Kurds. The Kurds must join hands and form an alliance in four parts of Kurdistan. We now want to ensure our unity. The Barzani family is not making an alliance in order not to lose the power they have. They will spend all the income of Kurdistan. They spends their money the way they want. They know that if they make an alliance with their own people, they can no longer do this. That's why They partners with others against the alliance. We want this war and conflict to be stopped. Kurds must not be a part of this war." 
Stating that Turkey wants to attack wherever Kurds live, Ebubekir Yılmaz said: "Today, Mela Mistefa Barzani's son supports Turkey. Today, he has become the enemy of his own people. Kurds have been in this situation for years." 
Yılmaz reacted to the forces preparing to attack by saying, "Hands off the Kurds."
Tahir Zeyrek said: “Mesut Barzani must be ashamed of his father Mela Mistefa Barzani. For us, there is no difference or distinction between here and there. Both places are our lands. We, Kurds cannot stop this war unless we form an alliance. Killing and arresting people are not enough. This is not a solution, the solution is through alliance."
Sukriye Idin said: "What is the Turkish state doing in Syria and Iraq? The Kurds must stand against the attacks."
Mehmet Kultur emphasized that all Kurds must protect their gains and said: "Barzani is betraying. We do not want Turkey to make a new attack. We believe that the Kurds will unite against these attacks. We do not want war. Like every people, we want freedom and success."
MA/Zeynep Durgut