Fate of disappeared demanded

  • actual
  • 14:19 17 August 2024
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AMED / ÊLIH - IHD and relatives of the disappeared asked for the fate of İbrahim Kartay, İbrahim Çelik and his son Edip Çelik, who disappeared under custody.
Human Rights Association (IHD) Amed (Diyarbakır) Branch and relatives of the disappeared gathered in front of the Human Rights Monument in Koşuyolu Park in Rêzan (Bağlar) district of Amed in the 810th week of their protest demanding “Let the disappeared be found and the perpetrators be tried”. 
Relatives of the disappeared attended the demonstration with the photographs of the disappeared and a banner with the photographs of the disappeared was unfurled in the area. Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayors Serra Bucak and Doğan Hatun also attended the statement. 
Speaking here, IHD Branch Vice Chair Suzan Mehmetoğlu expressed her sorrow for the loss of human rights defender Tarık Ziya Ekinci and expressed her condolences. 
Then IHD Amed Branch Secretary Ömer Saman read the story of İbrahim Kartay, who disappeared in custody on August 15, 1994 in Hurê village of Hêne (Hani) district of Amed.
İbrahim Kartay's story is as follows: “İbrahim Kartay, born in 1965 in Licê, lives in Hurê village of Hênê district. Married with three children, Kartay's village was raided by soldiers on August 15, 1994. The soldiers gathered the villagers in the square and asked them to evacuate the village. The villagers were not allowed to take their belongings and the houses were set on fire. The villagers' livestock, the source of their livelihood, were also shot and killed. Salime Çakır, who was waiting for her husband at the exit of the village, was told by the villagers that her husband had been detained. Salime Çakır took refuge with her children in a neighboring village. After waiting 10 days in the hope of hearing from her husband, she went to Hêne with her father-in-law and applied to the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. After receiving no news from the Prosecutor's Office, the family went to the Hani Gendarmerie Station. Officials at the police station told the family that 'İbrahim Kartay was not detained'. After a while, the father Kadri Kartay went to the police station again, but he was shot at and threatened by the people at the police station not to ask for his son again. All the family's appeals were fruitless. İbrahim Kartay, who was seen by people during his detention and detention but denied being detained, was never heard from again.” 
Saman stated that they are once again demanding justice on the 30th anniversary of Kartay's disappearance and said: “The judicial authorities should stop using the statute of limitations to prevent the perpetrators from being investigated and tried. We demand an effective investigation into the İbrahim Kartay case that will reveal the truth, identify all those responsible for this crime and ensure that they are punished. We want justice for İbrahim Kartay and for all our missing persons.” 
The event ended with a sit-in protest. 
IHD and relatives of the disappeared made a statement in front of the Human Rights Monument on Gülistan Street on the 646th week of their protest. In addition to human rights defenders, relatives of the disappeared and many people attended the demonstration where the banner “Let the disappeared be found, let the perpetrators be tried” was unfurled. 
At this week's protest, branch manager Rezan Baytar read the story of İbrahim Çelik and his son Edip Çelik, who were taken from their home in Zorava village in the center of Êlih (Batman) in August 1994 and were never heard from again.
The story of İbrahim Çelik and his son Edip Çelik is as follows: “My husband İbrahim Çelik and my son Edip Çelik were residing in Zorava village in Êlih when at around 20:00 at night, 4 people in civilian clothes with long barreled guns came to our house and asked for my husband and son. After my husband and son went outside and talked to them, they went down to the garden together. While they were talking in the garden, I went inside to offer them something to eat. When I went down to the garden 15 minutes later, I couldn't find anyone, I asked the neighbors and they hadn't seen anyone either. The next day I went to Batman Provincial Gendarmerie Station and made a written application. I asked if they were in custody. They said 'İbrahim and Edip Çelik are not in custody'. After that day, I did not hear from them. 
If there were graves of those we lost, maybe I would accept this pain. Unfortunately, our pain is as fresh as the first day.”
The statement ended after the sit-in.