Ömer Öcalan: We will protect our language and our leader


RIHA - Speaking at the party congress in Serêkaniyê, DEM Party deputy Ömer Öcalan said: “We will protect our language and our leader everywhere.”

Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) held its first ordinary congress in Serêkaniyê district of Riha (Urfa). DEM Party Riha deputies Ömer Öcalan and Dilan Kunt Ayan as well as many people attended the congress. DEM Party deputy Ayan said: “The way to peace is İmralı and the interlocutor is Mr. Öcalan. We must sit at the solution table again and Mr. Öcalan must be taken as an interlocutor by ensuring his physical freedom.” 
DEM Party Riha deputy Öcalan said: “We will be clear against the policies against our leadership. We will also be clear against the policies against our movement, the women's paradigm and our Democratic Modernity paradigm. A corrupt, disgraceful and immoral life is being imposed on Kurds.” 
Stating that it is very important to organize against the current process, Öcalan said: “It is essential to fight against these attacks. We must turn our homes into schools. Follow the Kurdish press, follow your movement, follow the DEM Party. Look, confidentiality has been imposed on Narin's murder. Even this means something. As for the situation in Serêkanîyê, there is the reality of a people living together democratically. Just like in Rojava. Look, in Rojava every nation, identity and belief has a status. Our paradigm stands in a very blessed place in this sense. This is why Gre-Sipî and Serêkanîyê were attacked. They want Kurds to remain without status, their identity and existence to be erased. For this reason, the importance of our living spaces as a space for organizing becomes clear once again. We are not enemies of anyone, we want our rights. We are not saying that Arabic and Turkish should be banned.” 
Emphasizing that the most important reason for the blockage of the current process is the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in Imrali F Type High Security Closed Prison, “We will protect our language and our leader everywhere,” Öcalan said.  
After the speeches, slogans of “Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)” and “Bê Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)” rose from the hall. 
Following the announcement of the annual and financial reports, Hacı Arak and Pervin Özer were elected as co-chairs.