Turkey and KDP's 'chemical' partnership

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  • 13:13 19 October 2022
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NEWS CENTER - KDP, which provided all kinds of intelligence and logistic support to Turkey in the attacks against Zap and Avaşîn, also seized the gas masks sent to the HPG against chemical gas and bombs.
The identity information of 17 HPG members who lost their lives in the attacks launched on April 17 in the Federated Kurdistan Region's Zap, Metina and Avaşîn regions with the partnership of Turkey's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) were announced yesterday. In the statement regarding the deaths in August, September and October, it was noted that Turkey used banned bombs and chemical weapons 2,467 times between April 14 and October 14. In the statement, it was also reminded that 27 HPG members lost their lives in chemical weapons attacks during the first processes of the operations, which lasted 6 months.
After the statement on the use of chemical weapons, condemnations for the KDP, which offered all kinds of intelligence and logistic support to Turkey in the attacks, also increased. The KDP's Kurdistan Anti-Terrorism's seizure of the gas masks sent to the HPG against chemical gas and bombs came to the fore once again. In late March, Kurdistan Anti-Terror announced that it had seized 1,200 gas masks in Duhok, claiming that "the PKK's dangerous plan was destroyed."

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