Newroz celebrations from Kobanê to Lebanon

  • actual
  • 20:53 22 March 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Newroz celebrations were held in many centers from the Northern and Eastern Syrian city of Kobanê to Lebanon.

This year, Newroz was celebrated in Northern and Eastern Syria with the motto "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and solution to the Kurdish issue". The address of the celebrations in Kobanê was Miştenur Hill, which has become a symbolic place in the fight against ISIS. Photos of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and those who lost their lives during the resistance were hung in the Newroz area. Some guests from surrounding cities also attended the celebrations, which attracted intense participation.

The Newroz program started with the families of those who lost their lives in the liberation of the city lighting the Newroz fire. The program continued with speeches and musical groups taking the stage.


People living in Aleppo's Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiye neighborhoods flocked to the celebrations held in the Şiqeyf area. In addition to poet Ferhad Merdê, many members of political parties and non-governmental organizations also attended the celebrations. The Newroz fire was lit with the slogans "Bê Serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)". Democratic Union Party (PYD) General Assembly member Mihemed Şêxo and Democratic Syrian Council (MSD) Communications Office Management member Fatme El Hesîno made speeches.


Thousands of people in Lebanon attended the celebrations organized by the Newroz Cultural Association. Representatives of many organizations attended the celebrations held in the Multeqa El Nehrên region of Damur. After the Newroz fire was lit, the program continued with speeches.

Cemal Hesen, President of the Lebanese Newroz Association, said: "We are living together, trying to build a government and status for ourselves against the invaders. We hope that Leader Abdullah Ocalan will physically come among us."

Jîn Women's Association President Buşra Ali said: "Newroz is a resurrection. It is a symbol of goodness and success."

The celebrations continued with halay dances.