Taybet Inan's daughter: Don't vote for those who murdered us

  • actual
  • 12:47 29 March 2024
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ŞIRNEX - The daughter of Taybet Inan, whose body was kept on the street for 7 days in Silopiya, and the wife of Hasan Sanrı, who was murdered while praying, called for the elections and said: "Do not vote for those who murdered us."
In the Silopiya (Silopi) district of Şirnex, on December 14, 2015, during the curfew period, 57-year-old Taybet Inan (Taybet mother) was targeted by snipers in front of her house and murdered with 10 bullets. Mother Taybet's body was kept on the street for 7 days. After the murder of mother Taybet, her brother-in-law Yusuf Inan, who went to save her, was also the target of the bullets and lost his life. Calling for local elections to be held on March 31, Inan family called on everyone to support the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and show their will.
Saying that no one should vote for her mother's murderers, Taybet's daughter, Halime Akın, said: "Don't forget my mother when you cast your vote on the election day. My mother's body was kept on the street for 7 days and 7 nights. When you go to the polls on March 31, don't lose your conscience that day. Don't forget my mother in 2015. Don't forget what happened. While the children of this people were being massacred in the streets, no one stood up. Who murdered these people? Today, those who tried to usurp our will again with tricks were the cause. Everyone must stand up for their ballot box and will on that day. Your vote is your will, your scream and the answer you will give. It is necessary to protect this will. The will that emerges at the ballot boxes will determine our existence. Thousands of Kurd mothers were murdered like my mother, their bodies were kept waiting on the streets. Remember those mothers that day, remember them and go to the ballot box and cast your vote."
Calling “Do not sell your vote to my mother's murderers,” Akın said: “This is my call to all the people of Turkey; Let them vote for the party that is right and stands for the truth. You are all the children of mother Taybet, my mother is the mother of all of you. As my mother's children, put your hands on your conscience, remember your mother Taybet on that day and protect your will."
The body of Mela Hasan Sanır, who was murdered while praying at his home on December 14, 2015, was kept at home for 13 days. Sanır's wife, Ayşe Sanır, whose pain and anger are as fresh as yesterday, called on everyone to unite around the DEM Party.
Sanır stated the following: “We want the Kurds to form an alliance and we want us to win. In this election, everyone should vote for themselves. We are fighting for our mother tongue and our existence. The Kurds must be alert and achieve their unity and win. Don't vote for those who murdered us. As long as we exist, we will not vote for AKP. We will vote for ourselves and our mother language. They took us out of our lands and made us migrate. They didn't stop there, they murdered my husband while he was praying. His body remained with us at home for 13 days. I had only one child and they arrested him too. So remember these and do not vote for AKP. Don't let them fool you with a bag of pasta. We are Kurds and our language is Kurdish. Put your hand on your conscience, remember what they have done to the Kurds and cast your vote.”