Women react to massacres

  • women
  • 14:56 9 September 2024
  • |

MERSİN - Women gathered for the murder of Pınar Bayrak by Ziya Ecer and said: “Another man, emboldened by misogynist policies, impunity and good behavior discounts, murdered Pınar by saying ‘nothing will happen to me anyway’.” 

Mersin 7th High Criminal Court will hold a detention review of Ziya Ecer, who beat and murdered Pınar Bayrak in Mersin on August 3. Before the detention review, Mersin Women's Platform came together in front of the courthouse and made a statement. Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Mersin MP Perihan Koca also attended the statement.
Making the statement, platform member Fatoş Sarıkaya said: “Another man, emboldened by misogynist policies, impunity that encourages massacres and good behavior discounts like a reward, murdered Pınar, whom he imprisoned in the household with threats, saying ‘nothing will happen to me anyway’. The criminals tried to cover up the murder in an organized manner. The partners in this crime are those who obscured the evidence, those who encouraged the crime, those who gave provocation discount, those who made misogynist policies a primary state duty, those who forced women into homes where they were subjected to violence with the words 'sacred family'. The partners of this crime are the male state, male justice. We will follow the case.” 
Speaking afterwards, Pınar's uncle Yusuf Bayrak said that his niece had been subjected to violence for years and that the perpetrator's family was also guilty. Claiming that the crime scene was cleaned before the authorities arrived and evidence was destroyed, “Meryem Ecer, Ahmet Ercan, Rozelin Balkan, Ömer Bayat threw Pınar's bloody clothes, bed and sheets in the garbage and these people are now walking around freely. Days ago, they harassed my children and my wife with guns in front of my house. There are camera recordings of all this. We are threatened for pursuing the case. While we should be protected, the murderers are protected. Where is justice? We want everyone responsible for the murder to be punished” Bayrak said. 
Speaking lastly, DEM Party's Perihan Koca reminded that another woman was murdered in Tarsus yesterday evening and stated the following: “While we were on our way here today demanding justice for Pınar Bayrak, we were informed that two women were attacked by a man in Tarsus, one of them died and the other is in intensive care. Turkey has turned into a women's graveyard. The AKP-MHP fascist government's misogynist and impunity policies are responsible for this. We will be a barrier for women against male-dominated policies. We will continue our struggle in Parliament, on the streets and in the corridors of courthouses to protect women and keep them alive.”