January 10 message from DFG and MKG: We will overcome oppression

  • actual
  • 15:26 10 January 2024
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AMED - DFG and MKG congratulated the journalists on January 10, Working Journalists' Day, and said: "We will overcome tyranny and oppression with the motto of 'free press, free society'."
Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) and Mezopotamya Women Journalists Association (MKG) made a written statement about January 10, Working Journalists' Day. In its statement, DFG pointed out that journalists have been under pressure and there has been no freedom of the press throughout the history of the Republic and said: "Although January 10 is an important day for journalists, unfortunately, the reality of 'captive journalism' still stands before us in a painful way. That is why it cannot go beyond a day of celebration." 
In the statement, it was pointed out that January 10 could be seen as the "Day of Unable to work Journalists" due to the pressures on the press, and the professional activities of the Kurd press since the 1990s and the pressures on Kurd journalists were reminded. In the statement: "We martyred dozens of our journalist friends. Our newspaper buildings were bombed, offices were closed. Honorable journalists were tried, imprisoned, and exiled. Despite this, it is possible to talk about the reality of a free press that continues its resistance. Afterwards, that is, especially in the last 10 years of the 22-year AKP rule. The point they have brought to the press is obvious. Today, except for the journalists coming from the free press tradition and the journalists who do not sell their pens, other media organs and their employees are almost in a position where they cannot make news other than what the state indicates."
The statement continued: "Journalists who continue this struggle with dignity are trying to carry out their work without compromising the truth at the expense of their freedom and their lives. Of course, when this is the case, they become the target of direct pressure. Various obstacles are put in front of them in the field, while following the news. The oppressive system cannot prevent it in the field. It is trying to obstruct journalists by using the judiciary. Judicial bodies are also in a position that destroys the law by making completely unlawful decisions. As a matter of fact, when we look at the rights violations in 2023, we can observe that the trials of journalists have reached their peak. This reveals how difficult it is to do journalism in Turkey laying it out.
In such a situation, the Minister of Justice can openly say 'there are no journalists in prisons'. However, the data is clear. There are currently over 50 journalists in prisons. One of them is Dicle Fırat Journalists Association Co-President Dicle Müftüoğlu. Dozens of journalists were arrested and released in 2022-23. There are still people detained among them. There are journalists who have been convicted. Even in the last days of the year, journalists were arrested. Furkan Karabay has just been released. Even today, which is a special day for journalists, 6 of our women journalist friends will appear before the judge. They were beaten, detained, and a lawsuit was filed against them just because they raised their voices for their detained colleagues. That's why, in the light of all these events, we say that we are faced with the 'reality of a government that has officially murdered journalism'. Despite all this, we still celebrate January 10 Working Journalists' Day of all honorable journalists. We believe that we will overcome this tyranny and oppression with the motto of 'free press, free society' and by further increasing solidarity."
In the MKG statement, it was pointed out that journalists are under pressure in Turkey. In the statement: “New attacks, detentions and arrests against women journalists in particular and free press workers in general are added every day. Resistance continues against the pressures faced by women journalists who are free press workers who want to practice their profession. DFG Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu, one of the journalists who continues her resistance, has been in prison for 257 days. We would like to share with the public that currently a total of 10 women journalists are in prison. Today, women journalists are subjected to all kinds of pressure so that they cannot 'work'. As MKG, we reiterate that we will continue to stand in solidarity with our colleagues who are 'unable to work'."